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40 Thousand Tons Compound Rubber Processing Plant at Baolianhua,Menglun ,Xishuangbanna ,Yunnan
Date : 2019-06-01
Engineering Project :
40 Thousand Tons Compound Rubber Processing Plant
Processing Materials :Natural Rubber ,Ribbed Smoked Sheet(RSS)
Annual Capacity :40 Thousand Tons
Finished Product :Compound Rubber
Year and Place :2013,Yunnan,China
Matching Heat Source :Power supply
Yunnan is the largest and best natural rubber plantation area in China. The plantation area of natural rubber is nearly 600 thousand hectares of Yunnan Province, accounting for 50% of the total area of the country. The output of natural rubber is nearly 500 thousand tons, accounting for more than 55% of the total output of the country.

The entire project process includes the following 10 items
Cutting ingredients - > Mixing - > Cooling - > Packing - > Bagging Cutting Machine - - Dry Prebreaker Machine- - Post-Processing Cooling Machine - - Baling machine - - Bagging Device

1. The formula can be changed at any time according to the needs of rubber buyers. 2. Less Location 3. Low labor intensity 4. Less Building Project