Zhanjiang Wei Da Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.


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An 8,400-ton Natural Rubber TSR20 Production Line in Côte d'Ivoire

Date: June 1, 2019

Engineering Project :

Natural Rubber TSR20 Production Line

Processing Materials :Natural Rubber, Cup Rubber

Annual Capacity :8400Tons

Finished Product :TSR 20

Year and Place :Cote d'Ivoire 2017

Matching Heat Source :Diesel Furnace

Cote d'Ivoire is the largest rubber plantation in Africa. Its rubber production accounts for 60% of Africa's total output, which ranking first in Africa and seventh in the world.

The entire project process includes the following 8 items

Crepe dehydration - Shred - Dry - Package Creper - Hammer Mill Machine- Drying Line (including Fan, Drying Trolley, Embedded Parts, Thermal Insulation and Sealing Material, etc.) - Packing Machine

1. Less configurating equipment; 2. Low investment cost.

First time to join the rubber processing industry, do not want to invest many equipment or have the budget limit, could think about this production line proposal .

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