Current Position: Home > Product Center > Plant Fiber Processing Equipment > Bast Fiber Decorticator of Industry Hemp/Kenaf/Ramie/Nettle 咨询热线: +86-759-3836773 在线咨询 收藏产品 分享产品 服务支持 产品详情 相关产品 自动纤维提取机为新型纤维提取成套设备,含两台皮带输送机,一台双辊纤维提取主机,一台纤维压水抛光一体机组成,可达到自动入料、纤维提取、水洗及脱水等效果。本套设备劳动强度低,生产效率高,生产成本低,纤维洁净度好,是纤维加工厂的理想生产型设备。Automatic decorticator is a new type of fiber extraction equipment, including two units of belt conveyors, a unit of two side drum extraction main machine, and a unit of […]